Thank you all so much for the launch!

It looks like the wave of people has finally died down, so I can finally make this post and talk about everything that's happened.

okay so first off


As of writing this post, CHEFWARE is at 1950 browser plays. That is SO much more than what I was anticipating. This is definitely one of, if not the most popular and well received thing I have ever made, and the milestones I've reached with this project were incredible.

To put this into perspective, the blue lines are where I thought the graph would go at those points in time.

But it's not just the numbers, as 7 different videos have been made about CHEFWARE so far. It's not even a horror game?? Do people really just make videos about random games on itch??? Apparently. Here's a playlist of all the ones I know of.

The second thing is that apparently this game has gone beyond just English speaking people, as the game got a post about it all the way over on Yahoo Japan! Not to mention the video in the playlist above that's entirely in Spanish. This wasn't even something I considered when I was making the game, but it seems those with a general idea of English were actually able to enjoy the game. If any of you are reading this, hello! Hopefully my games going forward will have either less text or some official translations.

The game also had the honor of being stolen and re-uploaded to two different websites for free browser games. I can see how some devs might find this irritating, but I personally find it hilarious. One site saw the piece of cheese after the A in the logo and thought it was called "Chef wa're" which I can't even blame them for cause yeah it does look like that.

But yeah, that's about it! It's just super cool that you all enjoyed this game so much! I hope you all stick around, since I have a lot of other projects in mind that will hopefully far surpass this one. They'll be more than 5 minutes long!

P.S. I'll try to make a patch to fix a few of the bugs I've noticed people run into, and to hopefully make the drink filling game a bit better.


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