Does the next MOTORFISH update have a duck?

Sorry to spoil it but...


It's time I finally make a post about Alpha 1.0 and what I've been doing all this time. Keep in mind though, this update is going to have the least amount of stuff revealed before launch due to it being so big.

With minecraft hosting it's mob vote, I'm worried that the crab won't make it into the game. This is why I've added a crab to my own game.

For those who like to hug the floors and walls, this enemy might catch you off guard.

Besides the new enemy, a lot of the work has been turning this prototype into an actual game. This update will have an actual goal to achieve instead of just being a high score hunter (there will still be an endless mode though).

Along with new mechanics you might see new characters, too. The MOTORFISH world is hopefully gonna feel a lot more full this time.

One last thing, I might be streaming some of the game creation process (mostly art) on twitch or youtube sometime soon. I'll post about that here if/when I do.

Okay that's all bye bye :)


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