1 Year of Game Development

If you're here for MOTORFISH news, I unfortunately don't have much as I've been working on a new game lately (more on that later)

But yeah, as the title says, it's been 1 year since I've started my journey into game development. So much has happened in this one year it's actually insane, and I can't wait to see what I'll be able to make in the coming years.  I feel like there's not much more I can say without being super cheesy lol.

Here's what MOTORFISH looked like a year ago btw

Crazy that me coding a picture of a giant stone barbarian head to move around with WASD would be the turning point in what I do with my life.

But if I'm not working on MOTORFISH, what am I working on?

Introducing CHEFWARE!

Wanna see more? Sorry, but you're gonna have to...

I imagine it'll come out around June, but I'm very bad at planning release dates.

That's about it for this "devlog"
I'm gonna use the rest of this to archive my predictions for what things will look like in the next few years

Year 2 - CHEFWARE will be done and will do okay, it'll probably reach more people that MOTORFISH cause it's going to be a web game. By the end of year 2 I'll probably have started work on a movement based platformer or be finishing up a small horror game

Year 3 - I'll probably be starting work on my dream game, doing things like figuring out what engine I'll be using by trying out unity, making some prototypes, and fleshing out the main characters. What's my dream game? Thats a secret 🤐

Year 4 - Yeah at this point I have no idea lol

Thank you guys for all the support on MOTORFISH! I can't wait to see what people think of CHEFWARE :)

P.S. There's a discord server now!! Click here to join!!


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